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1993 93 Polaris Storm 750 Headlight Head Light on

US $18.95


This 1993 Polaris Storm 750 Snowmobile had a lower end motor failure. All damaged parts were scrapped. Any part that was damaged that is being sold, is being sold with description notification.
Type:Housing Manufacturer Part Number:4032040 Brand:Polaris Warranty:No

Parts Listed are from a Carbureted 1993 Polaris Storm 750

This part may fit other years and other models.
I will only guarantee it to fit the same year and model it was removed from.
This snowmobile is 23 years old. Parts may have been swapped in or out from other sleds.
Please match up the part you need with the part you have.

This is a Headlight Housing.
Good working Condition. No cracks.

Assemblies where the manufacturer says part# 4032040 is used:

1991 400 (0910759) - Hood 400

1991 500 (0910764) - Hood 500 & 500 Classic

1991 500 CLASSIC (0910865) - Hood 500 & 500 Classic

1991 500 SKS (0910564) - Hood 500 & 500 Classic

1991 500 SP (0910664) - Hood 500 & 500 Classic

1991 650 (0910758) - Hood 650 & 650 Sks

1991 650 RXL (0910768) - Hood 650 Rxl

1991 650 RXL SKS (0910568) - Hood 650 Rxl

1991 SWE 500 (S910764) - Hood 500 & 500 Classic

1991 SWE 500 SKS (S910564) - Hood 500 & 500 Classic

1991 SWE 650 (S910758) - Hood 650 & 650 Sks

1991 SWE 650 RXL (S910768) - Hood 650 Rxl

1991 SWE 650 RXL SKS (S910568) - Hood 650 Rxl

1991 XC 400 (0911759) - Hood 400 Xc

1992 440 (0920760) - Hood Assembly 440

1992 440 XCR (0921760) - Hood Assembly 440 Xcr

1992 500 (0920764) - Hood Assembly 500 & 500 Classic

1992 500 SKS (0920574) - Hood Assembly 500 Sp/500 Sks

1992 500 SP (X920674) - Hood 500 Sp

1992 500 SP EFI (0920674) - Hood Assembly 500 Sp/500 Sks

1992 500 SPX (0920674N) - Hood Assembly 500 Spx

1992 650 (0920758) - Hood Assembly 650

1992 650 RXL (0920768) - Hood Assembly Rxl/Rxl Sks

1992 650 RXL SKS (0920568) - Hood Assembly Rxl/Rxl Sks

1992 CLASSIC (0920865) - Hood Assembly 500 & 500 Classic

1992 FIN 500 SKS (F920574) - Hood Assembly 500 Sp/500 Sks

1992 FIN RXL SKS (F920568) - Hood Assembly Rxl/Rxl Sks

1992 SWE 440 (S920760) - Hood Assembly 440

1992 SWE 440 XCR (S921760) - Hood Assembly 440 Xcr

1992 SWE 500 SKS (S920574) - Hood Assembly 500 Sp/500 Sks

1992 SWE 500 SP (S920674) - Hood Assembly 500 Sp/500 Sks

1992 SWE 650 (S920758) - Hood Assembly 650

1992 SWE RXL (S920768) - Hood Assembly Rxl/Rxl Sks

1992 SWE RXL SKS (S920568) - Hood Assembly Rxl/Rxl Sks

1992 SWE WIDE TRAK (S922064) - Hood Assembly Widetrak

1992 WIDETRAK (0922064) - Hood Assembly Widetrak

1992 XLT SP (0920767) - Hood Assembly 500 Xlt

1993 440 L/C (0930760) - Hood Assembly 440 / & 440 Sks / 0930560

1993 440 SKS (0930560) - Hood Assembly 440 / 0930760 & 440 Sks

1993 440 XCR (0931760) - Hood Assembly 440 Xcr

1993 500 EFI (0930674) - Hood Assembly 500 Efi / & 500 Efi Sks / 0930574

1993 500 EFI SKS (0930574) - Hood Assembly 500 Efi / 0930674 & 500 Efi Sks

1993 CLASSIC (0930864) - Hood Assembly Classic / & Classic Touring / 0930865

1993 CLASSIC TOURING (0930865) - Hood Assembly Classic / 0930864 & Classic Touring

1993 EURO 440 (E930760) - Hood Assembly 440 / 0930760 & 440 Sks / 0930560

1993 EURO 440 SKS (E930560) - Hood Assembly 440 / 0930760 & 440 Sks / 0930560

1993 EURO 440 XCR (E931760) - Hood Assembly 440 Xcr 0941760

1993 EURO 500 EFI (E930674) - Hood Assembly 500 Efi / 0930674 & 500 Efi Sks / 0930574

1993 EURO 500 SKS (E930574) - Hood Assembly 500 Efi / 0930674 & 500 Efi Sks / 0930574

1993 EURO RXL (E930768) - Hood Assembly Rxl/0930768 & Rxl Sks/0930568

1993 EURO RXL SKS (E930568) - Hood Assembly Rxl/0930768 & Rxl Sks/0930568

1993 EURO STORM (E932770) - Hood Assembly Storm E940782 & Storm Sks E940582

1993 EURO STORM SKS (E932570) - Hood Assembly Storm E940782 & Storm Sks E940582

1993 EURO TRAIL (E930761) - Hood Assembly Trail/0930761 & Trail Deluxe/0930243

1993 EURO TRAIL DELUXE (E930262) - Hood Assembly Trail/0930761 & Trail Deluxe/0930243

1993 EURO WIDE TRAK (E932064) - Hood Assembly Widetrak / 0932064

1993 EURO XLT (E930767) - Hood Assembly Xlt/0930767,Xlt Sp/0930667 & Xlt Sks/0930567

1993 EURO XLT SKS (E930567) - Hood Assembly Xlt/0930767,Xlt Sp/0930667 & Xlt Sks/0930567

1993 EURO XLT SP (E930667) - Hood Assembly Xlt/0930767,Xlt Sp/0930667 & Xlt Sks/0930567

1993 RXL (0930768) - Hood Assembly Rxl/ & Rxl Sks/0930568

1993 RXL SKS (0930568) - Hood Assembly Rxl/0930768 & Rxl Sks

1993 STORM (0932770) - Hood Assembly Storm/ & Storm Sks/0932570

1993 STORM SKS (0932570) - Hood Assembly Storm/0932770 & Storm Sks

1993 TRAIL (0930761) - Hood Assembly Trail/ & Trail Deluxe/0930243

1993 TRAIL DELUXE (0930243) - Hood Assembly Trail/0930761 & Trail Deluxe

1993 WIDE TRAK (0932064) - Hood Assembly Widetrak

1993 WIDETRAK GT (X932061) - Hood Assembly Widetrak Gt

1993 XLT (0930767) - Hood Assembly Xlt/,Xlt Sp/0930667 & Xlt Sks/0930567

1993 XLT SKS (0930567) - Hood Assembly Xlt/0930767,Xlt Sp/0930667 & Xlt Sks

1993 XLT SP (0930667) - Hood Assembly Xlt/0930767,Xlt Sp/ & Xlt Sks/0930567

1994 440 XCR (0941760) - Hood Assembly 440 Xcr

1994 440 XCR SP (0941660) - Hood Assembly 440 Xcr Sp

1994 600 XCR (0941667) - Hood Assembly 600 Xcr

1994 EURO RXL TOURING (E940869) - Hood Assembly Rxl Touring

1994 EURO STORM (E940782) - Hood Assembly Storm & Storm Sks E940582

1994 EURO STORM SKS (E940582) - Hood Assembly Storm E940782 & Storm Sks

1994 EURO TRAIL DELUXE (E940262) - Hood Assembly Trail Deluxe

1994 EURO WIDE TRAK GT (E942061) - Hood Assembly Widetrak Lx 0942064

1994 EURO XLT (E940767) - Hood Assembly Xlt , Xlt Sp E940667 & Xlt Sks E940567

1994 EURO XLT SKS (E940567) - Hood Assembly Xlt E940767, Xlt Sp E940667 & Xlt Sks

1994 EURO XLT SP (E940667) - Hood Assembly Xlt E940767, Xlt Sp & Xlt Sks E940567

1994 RXL (0940768) - Hood Assembly Rxl & Rxl Touring 0940869

1994 RXL TOURING (0940869) - Hood Assembly Rxl 0940768 & Rxl Touring

1994 STORM (0940782) - Hood Assembly Storm & Storm Sks 0940582

1994 STORM SKS (0940582) - Hood Assembly Storm 0940782 & Storm Sks

1994 TRAIL (0940761) - Hood Assembly

1994 TRAIL DELUXE (0940262) - Hood Assembly 0940761

1994 WIDE TRAK GT (0942061) - Hood Assembly Widetrak Gt

1994 WIDE TRAK LX (0942064) - Hood Assembly Widetrak Lx

1994 XLT (0940767) - Hood Assembly Xlt , Xlt Sp 0940667 & Xlt Sks 0940567

1994 XLT SKS (0940567) - Hood Assembly Xlt 0940767, Xlt Sp 0940667 & Xlt Sks

1994 XLT SP (0940667) - Hood Assembly Xlt 0940767, Xlt Sp & Xlt Sks 0940567

1994 XLT SP XTRA (0946767) - Hood Assembly Xlt Special (4927112711005A)

1995 440 XCR (0951660) - Hood Assembly

1995 440 XCR SP (X951660) - Hood Assembly

1995 600 XCR (0951676) - Hood Assembly 600 Xcr

1995 EURO SPORT TOURING (E950243) - Hood Assembly Sport 0950443, Sport Touring 0950243 & European Sport Tour

1995 EURO WIDETRAK GT (E952061) - Hood Assembly Widetrak Gt 0952061 & European Widetrak Gt

1995 EURO WIDETRAK LX (E952064) - Hood Assembly Widetrak Lx 0952064 & European Widetrak Lx

1995 EURO XLT SKS (E950556) - Hood Assembly Xlt 0950756, Xlt Sks 0950556, Xlt Sks Euro & Xlt Sks

1995 EURO XLT SP (E956756) - Hood Assembly Xlt Sp 0956756, Xlt Sp 0956456, & European Xl (4930763076A010)

1995 RXL (0956168) - Hood Assembly Rxl 0956768

1995 RXL LT (0956768) - Hood Assembly Rxl

1995 RXL TOURING (0950869) - Hood Assembly Rxl Touring

1995 SPORT (0950443) - Hood Assembly Sport , Sport Touring 0950243 & European Sport Tour

1995 SPORT TOURING (0950243) - Hood Assembly Sport 0950443, Sport Touring & European Sport Tour

1995 WIDE TRAK GT (0952061) - Hood Assembly Widetrak Gt & European Widetrak Gt E952061

1995 WIDE TRAK LX (0952064) - Hood Assembly Widetrak Lx & European Widetrak Lx E952064

1995 XLT (0950756) - Hood Assembly Xlt , Xlt Sks 0950556, Xlt Sks Euro E950556 & Xlt Sks

1995 XLT RMK (0950956) - Hood Assembly Xlt 0950756, Xlt Sks 0950556, Xlt Sks Euro E950556 & Xlt Sks

1995 XLT SKS (0950556) - Hood Assembly Xlt 0950756, Xlt Sks , Xlt Sks Euro E950556 & Xlt Sks

1995 XLT SP (0956156) - Hood Assembly Xlt Sp 0956756, Xlt Sp 0956456, & European Xl (4930763076A010)

1995 XLT SP LT (0956756) - Hood Assembly Xlt Sp , Xlt Sp 0956456, & European Xl (4930763076A010)

1996 0971758 600 XC 0971758 (TWIN) - Hood 0971758

1996 440 XCR (0961660) - Hood 440 Xcr

1996 600 XCR (0961676) - Hood 600 Xcr & European 600 Xcr E961676

1996 EURO SPORT TOURING (E960243) - Hood Sport 0960443, Sport Touring 0960243 & European Sport Touring E96024

1996 EURO TRAN SPORT (E960143) - Hood Tran Sport 0960143 & Euro Tran Sport

1996 EURO ULTRA SKS (E960578) - Hood Ultra Sks 0960578, Euro Ultra Sks , & Ultra Rmk 0960978

1996 EURO ULTRA SP (E960678) - Hood Ultra Sp 0960678 & European Ultra Sp

1996 EURO WIDETRAK LX (E962064) - Hood Widetrak Lx 0962064 & European Widetrak Lx

1996 EURO XLT SKS (E960556) - Hood Xlt Rmk 0960956, Xlt Sks 0960556 & European Xlt Sks

1996 EURO XLT SP (E966676) - Hood Xlt Sp 0966676 & European Xlt Sp

1996 RXL (0966768) - Hood Rxl

1996 SPORT (0960443) - Hood Sport , Sport Touring 0960243 & European Sport Touring E96024

1996 SPORT TOURING (0960243) - Hood Sport 0960443, Sport Touring & European Sport Touring E96024

1996 TRAN SPORT (0960143) - Hood Tran Sport & Euro Tran Sport E960143

1996 ULTRA RMK (0960978) - Hood Ultra Sks 0960578, Euro Ultra Sks E960578, & Ultra Rmk

1996 ULTRA SKS (0960578) - Hood Ultra Sks , Euro Ultra Sks E960578, & Ultra Rmk 0960978

1996 ULTRA SP (0960678) - Hood Ultra Sp & European Ultra Sp E960678

1996 WIDETRAK GT (0962061) - Hood Widetrak Gt & European Widetrak Gt E962061

1996 WIDETRAK LX (0962064) - Hood Widetrak Lx & European Widetrak Lx E962064

1996 XCR 440 SP (0961760) - Hood 440 Xcr Sp

1996 XLT (0966756) - Hood Xlt

1996 XLT RMK (0960956) - Hood Xlt Rmk , Xlt Sks 0960556 & European Xlt Sks E960556

1996 XLT SKS (0960556) - Hood Xlt Rmk 0960956, Xlt Sks & European Xlt Sks E960556

1996 XLT SP (0966676) - Hood Xlt Sp & European Xlt Sp E966676

1997 440 XC (0971760) - Hood 440 Xc

1997 440 XCR (0971660) - Hood 440 Xcr

1997 600 XC (0971776) - Hood 600 Xc & European 600 Xc E971776

1997 700 RMK (0970966) - Hood

1997 700 SKS (0970566) - Hood 0970966

1997 700 XC (0971766) - Hood 700 Xc

1997 EURO 600 XC (E971776) - Hood 600 Xc 0971776 & European 600 Xc

1997 EURO 700 SKS (E970566) - Hood 0970966

1997 EURO ULTRA (E976778) - Hood Ultra 0976778 & European Ultra

1997 EURO WIDETRAK GT (E972061) - Hood 0972061

1997 EURO WIDETRAK LX (E972065) - Hood Widetrak Lx 0972065 & European Widetrak Lx

1997 RXL (0976768) - Hood Rxl

1997 ULTRA (0976778) - Hood Ultra & European Ultra E976778

1997 ULTRA SP (0970678) - Hood Ultra Sp

1997 WIDETRAK GT (0972061) - Hood

1997 WIDETRAK LX (0972065) - Hood Widetrak Lx & European Widetrak Lx E972065

1997 XLT (0970756) - Hood Xlt , Xlt Sks 0970556, & Xlt Rmk 0970956

1997 XLT RMK (0970956) - Hood Xlt 0970756, Xlt Sks 0970556, & Xlt Rmk

1997 XLT SKS (0970556) - Hood Xlt 0970756, Xlt Sks , & Xlt Rmk 0970956

1997 XLT SP (0976676) - Hood Xlt Sp

1998 600 RMK (0980958) - Hood 600 Rmk & European 600 Rmk E980958

1998 700 RMK (0980966) - Hood 700 Rmk & European 700 Rmk E980966

1998 EURO 600 RMK (E980958) - Hood 600 Rmk 0980958 & European 600 Rmk

1998 EURO 700 RMK (E980966) - Hood 700 Rmk 0980966 & European 700 Rmk

1998 EURO 700 XC (E981766) - Hood 700 Xc 0981766 & European 700 Xc

1998 EURO WIDETRAK LX (E982065) - Hood Widetrak Lx 0982065 & European Widetrak Lx

1998 ULTRA (0986778) - Hood Ultra

1998 WIDETRAK LX (0982065) - Hood Widetrak Lx & European Widetrak Lx E982065

It is complete only as pictured and in good used condition.

Please See the Pictures!

Buy with confidence, I have great feedback and am good at answering questions!

If you have any questions, please ask! (before you purchase)

Thank you!

Your item may be shipped either FedEx or through the USPS. The most cost effective/efficient method will be used.

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By Ben Whitworth Motor Shows 11 November 2008 11:22 The KTM X-Bow has been signed up to star in the 2008 Race of Champions. The minimalist trackday special will be one of a number of cars in which competitors will lock horns at the annual motorsport extravaganza at Wembley Stadium on 13-14 December. The X-Bow open cockpit will, according to RoC organisers Fredrik Johnsson and ex-rally ace Michele Mouton, allow spectators at the adrenalin-fuelled two-day event to see the world’s greatest drivers from Formula 1, World Rallying, World Touring Cars and the Le Mans 24 Hours in full-blooded action.

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