Part 51161904529 (SEAL LEFT) was found on the following E30 vehicles:
E30 316i Touring, M40, Europe, AUTO (AJ21) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Touring, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AJ22) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Touring, M40, Europe, MANUAL (AJ11) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Touring, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AJ12) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Touring, M40, Europe, AUTO (AG81) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Touring, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AG82) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Touring, M40, Europe, MANUAL (AG71) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Touring, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AG72) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Touring, M20, Europe, AUTO (AH81) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Touring, M20, Europe, AUTO (AH61) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Touring, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AH62) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Touring, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AH82) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Touring, M20, Europe, MANUAL (AH71) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Touring, M20, Europe, MANUAL (AH51) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Touring, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AH52) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Touring, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AH72) : Outside mirror
E30 324td Touring, M21, Europe, AUTO (AH01) : Outside mirror
E30 324td Touring, M21, Europe, MANUAL (AH91) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Touring, M20, Europe, AUTO (AG61) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Touring, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AG62) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Touring, M20, Europe, MANUAL (AG51) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Touring, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AG52) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Touring, M20, Europe, AUTO (AG05) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Touring, M20, Europe, MANUAL (AG95) : Outside mirror
E30 316 Coupe, M10, Europe, AUTO (1061) : Outside mirror
E30 316 Coupe, M10, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1062) : Outside mirror
E30 316 Coupe, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1051) : Outside mirror
E30 316 Coupe, M10, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1052) : Outside mirror
E30 316 Sedan, M10, Europe, AUTO (1361) : Outside mirror
E30 316 Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1362) : Outside mirror
E30 316 Sedan, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1351) : Outside mirror
E30 316 Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1352) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Coupe, M40, Europe, AUTO (AB21) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Coupe, M10, Europe, AUTO (1025) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Coupe, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AB22) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Coupe, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1015) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Coupe, M40, Europe, MANUAL (AB11) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Coupe, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AB12) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, AUTO (AC21) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Sedan, M10, Europe, AUTO (1325) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AC22) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Sedan, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1315) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, MANUAL (AC11) : Outside mirror
E30 316i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AC12) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, AUTO (1081) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, AUTO (1021) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M40, Europe, AUTO (AF61) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, AUTO (1041) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1022) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AF62) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1042) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1082) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1071) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1011) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M40, Europe, MANUAL (AF51) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1031) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1032) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1072) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1012) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AF52) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, AUTO (1381) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M40, Europe, AUTO (AJ61) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, AUTO (1341) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1342) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1382) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AJ62) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1371) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M40, Europe, MANUAL (AJ51) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1331) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1332) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1372) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AJ52) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Convertible, M40, Europe, AUTO (BA61) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Convertible, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BA62) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Convertible, M40, Europe, MANUAL (BA51) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Convertible, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BA52) : Outside mirror
E30 318is Coupe, M42, Europe, MANUAL (AF91) : Outside mirror
E30 318is Coupe, M42, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AF92) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1141) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1161) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1142) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1162) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1131) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1151) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1152) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1132) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1441) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1461) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1462) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1442) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1451) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1431) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1432) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1452) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, AUTO (BA41) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, AUTO (BA21) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BA22) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BA42) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, MANUAL (BA31) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, MANUAL (BA11) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BA12) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BA32) : Outside mirror
E30 320is Coupe, S14, Europe, MANUAL (AK95) : Outside mirror
E30 320is Sedan, S14, Europe, MANUAL (AC95) : Outside mirror
E30 323i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1181) : Outside mirror
E30 323i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1182) : Outside mirror
E30 323i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1171) : Outside mirror
E30 323i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1172) : Outside mirror
E30 323i Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1481) : Outside mirror
E30 323i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1482) : Outside mirror
E30 323i Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1471) : Outside mirror
E30 323i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1472) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, AUTO (BB21) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, AUTO (BB41) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BB22) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BB42) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, MANUAL (BB11) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, MANUAL (BB31) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BB32) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BB12) : Outside mirror
E30 M3 Coupe, S14, Europe, MANUAL (1001) : Outside mirror
E30 M3 Coupe, S14, Europe, MANUAL (1007) : Outside mirror
E30 M3 Coupe, S14, Europe, MANUAL (1005) : Outside mirror
E30 M3 Convertible, S14, Europe, MANUAL (BB05) : Outside mirror
E30 M3 Convertible, S14, Europe, MANUAL (BB01) : Outside mirror
E30 324d Sedan, M21, Europe, AUTO (1521) : Outside mirror
E30 324d Sedan, M21, Europe, MANUAL (1511) : Outside mirror
E30 324td Sedan, M21, Europe, AUTO (AD01) : Outside mirror
E30 324td Sedan, M21, Europe, MANUAL (AD91) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1261) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1262) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1251) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1252) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1561) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1562) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1551) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1552) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1121) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1241) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1122) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1242) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1111) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1231) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1232) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1112) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1421) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1541) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1542) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1422) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1411) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1531) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1532) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1412) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1201) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1281) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1271) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1291) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1501) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1581) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1571) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1591) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, USA, AUTO (1084) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M10, USA, MANUAL (1074) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, USA, AUTO (1384) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, USA, MANUAL (1374) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M42, USA, MANUAL (AJ93) : Outside mirror
E30 318is Coupe, M42, USA, MANUAL (AF93) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, USA, AUTO (1264) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, USA, MANUAL (1254) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Sedan, M20, USA, AUTO (1564) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Sedan, M20, USA, MANUAL (1554) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, USA, AUTO (1123) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, USA, MANUAL (1113) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, USA, AUTO (1423) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, USA, MANUAL (1413) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Coupe, M20, USA, AUTO (1203) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Coupe, M20, USA, MANUAL (1293) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, USA, AUTO (1503) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, USA, MANUAL (1593) : Outside mirror
E30 M3 Coupe, S14, USA, MANUAL (1003) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Convertible, M42, USA, MANUAL (BA73) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, USA, AUTO (BB23) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, USA, MANUAL (BB13) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M40, Europe, AUTO (AF61) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AF62) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M40, Europe, MANUAL (AF51) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Coupe, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AF52) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, AUTO (1341) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M40, Europe, AUTO (AJ61) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, AUTO (1381) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1342) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, AUTO (AJ62) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1382) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1331) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M40, Europe, MANUAL (AJ51) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, MANUAL (1371) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1332) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M40, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (AJ52) : Outside mirror
E30 318i Sedan, M10, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1372) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1141) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1141) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1161) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1161) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1162) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1142) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1142) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1162) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1131) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1151) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1151) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1131) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1152) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1132) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1132) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1152) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1461) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1441) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1442) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1462) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1451) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1431) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1432) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1452) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, AUTO (BA41) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, AUTO (BA21) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BA22) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BA42) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, MANUAL (BA11) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, MANUAL (BA31) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BA12) : Outside mirror
E30 320i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BA32) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1261) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1262) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1251) : Outside mirror
E30 325e Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1252) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1121) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, AUTO (1241) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1242) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1122) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1111) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1231) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1232) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Coupe, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1112) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1421) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1541) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1542) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (1422) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1531) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1411) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1412) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Sedan, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (1532) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, AUTO (BB21) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, AUTO (BB41) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BB42) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, AUTO (BB22) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, MANUAL (BB11) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, MANUAL (BB31) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BB12) : Outside mirror
E30 325i Convertible, M20, Europe, RHD, MANUAL (BB32) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1501) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, Europe, AUTO (1581) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1571) : Outside mirror
E30 325ix Sedan, M20, Europe, MANUAL (1591) : Outside mirror
E30 M3 Coupe, S14, Europe, MANUAL (1007) : Outside mirror
E30 M3 Coupe, S14, Europe, MANUAL (1005) : Outside mirror
E30 M3 Coupe, S14, Europe, MANUAL (1001) : Outside mirror
Mirrors for Sale
Left side replacement performance power chrome cap heated mirror chevy gmc(US $68.66)
Eighty eight side view mirror right 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999(US $50.00)
Driver side replacement power remote heated mirror 04 oldsmobile alero 22724869(US $41.93)
Bmw 5, 6, 7 f01 f10 f07 f11 f12 f13 f18 orig. mirror glass lh heating & dimming (US $110.00)
Tyc left driver replacement power non heated mirror ford fusion mercury milan(US $39.34)
Tyc driver replacement manual folding mirror 97-02 ford f150 f250 f65z17683aa(US $31.83)
Chris Bangle's ‘Illustrate the Future’ competition winner announced
Mon, 23 Apr 2012Renowned designer Chris Bangle announced the winner of the ‘Illustrate the Future' design competition as Luis Fernando Peña Delgado at the end of the Interior Motives China conference yesterday. 22-year-old Delgado, a student of design at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, was chosen by the judges under the direction of Bangle on the basis that his entry best followed the criteria of closeness to the original text, the quality of the illustrations and the creative content. The global competition's brief asked for students from any design discipline to examine excerpts from the eBook "Peter Teuful, A Tale of car design in Three parts" – written by Bangle himself – and translate them into a series of images.
Honda fires new F1 engine for first time
Fri, 25 Oct 2013EVEN BEFORE the 2013 Formula 1 season has ended preparations and development are already well under way for next year, especially so because of a radical change to the rules. From 2014 all cars will be powered by small 1.6-litre turbocharged V6 engines, signalling the end of the current 2.4-litre non-turbocharged V8 engines, bringing them closer in basic layout - if not output - to normal road car engines. For Honda 2015 is a return to the sport in partnership with McLaren, and the Japanese firm's engines will power the 2015 McLaren challenger.
Ford kills Mercury – boosts Lincoln
Thu, 03 Jun 2010The Linclon Concept C - Lincoln's first C-Segment car? In what is probably the least surpring move by Ford the Mercury moniker has been consigned to the history books as Ford continues to rebuild not just its balance book but its brand. Having finally divested itself of its troublesome posh-badge crew of Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin and Volvo, the only surprise is that the Mecury brand lasted this long.