Chrome Big Block Mopar Timing Cover


chromemuscle car

(MCC324) Chrome Big Block Mopar Timing Cover

Specifications for


Material : Chrome steel , triple plated Copper / Nickel / Chrome,

Thickness :The steel used to make these items is .040 thousands thick

Seal: Takes O. E. M. (stock) type crankshaft seal

Bolts : NO it does not come with the bolts

Gaskets : NO this item does not come with the gasket any quality gasket set for your engine will work with this item

Application : Will fit big block Mopar 361 , 383 , 440 engines ( Dodge , Plymouth,, Chrysler


Installation tips : Be sure to sure to tighten any part to the proper torque spec and in a cross style pattern

Comments :

f you would like a chrome steel  timing tab for this part use part number MCC324T

All  MotorChrome part numbers can be pulled up by typing the MCC# into the search box


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