Can the LED strips be cut or trimmed?
Yes! You can easily cut the LED strips. Use a sharp utility knife. The LEDs are wired in groups of 3, so you should cut between sets of 3 LEDs.
Note: Some of the shorter lengths can't be cut because of a critical power wire inside. Before you cut, just make sure you won't be cutting a power wire, otherwise your LED strip
could be damaged.
Can the cut section of the strip be re-used?
While it is physically possible, it is not a simple procedure and not worth the effort. For practical purposes, you are better off discarding the cut portion.
Once cut, is the strip still waterproof?
If you cut it right, it will maintain a degree of "weather resistance". But to make a cut strip fully waterproof again, we recommend you add some silicone sealant to the cut
What is the best way to mount them?
Cable ties, also known as zip ties work for many installations. We also include a surprisingly strong 3M double sided adhesive mounting tape.
How should they be mounted in the wheel well?
Before removing the wheel, you should hold the strip in a few locations behind the wheel until you find a suitable location. Play around with some different options. We find it
works best if they are mounted on or behind suspension components.
Do the LED strips require resistors?
No. The LED strips do not require any resistors. They are ready to work on any 12 volt power source.
Which wire is power and which is ground?
The silver wire is 12v +, and the gold wire is 12v - (ground). If you accidentally reverse them, nothing bad will happen.
Can I use these for underbody glow under the car?
Yes! The result will be fantastic. You may try our longer strips for a wheel-to-wheel gapless glow.