This part will fit the following models with the following options:
OPTIMA 03-05 OPTIMA 06 VIN D, 5th digit (US & Canada mkt) SONATA 02-05 XG SERIES 02 from 02/05/02 XG SERIES 03-05
Year: 2003
Interchange Number: 615-58577
Part Number: 30853
Vehicle Stock #: LC1185
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Other Information
* It is your responsibility to know what you are ordering and that it fits your vehicle, not ours. The information provided above the start of our listing (eBay Compatibility) is often wrong and is not information supplied by us. Use that information as a guide only. There is a 20% restock fee on non-defective returned parts. This includes parts incorrectly ordered, parts partially paid for and then cancelled and/or parts that are no longer needed. Call us at 724-824-1444 if you need assistance before you order. We can get you a part number to compare if needed.
* If you place an order on eBay it will be shipped to you. We can't cancel an order once placed.
* You will receive the part you order. Don't automatically expect extras such as bushings on a sway bar, brake pads on a caliper, bulbs in a taillight or screws.
* All orders must be shipped. International shipping is available. Call us for a quote if necessary. ANY CUSTOMS FEES, DUTIES OR TAXES are the responsibility of the buyer.
* Free shipping items ship out the most economical way possible. If your item is listed as eBay "fast and free" please understand that this is NOT A GUARANTEED SERVICE and only an estimated shipping time estimate from eBay.
* We do not warranty or guarantee the condition of any rubber boot, u-joint, bushing, ball joint boot, rubber part, trim or brake rotor. We recommend that you replace these items. ECMS, INSTURMENT CLUSTERS AND RADIOS might need programming at a dealer. A radio will almost never have the code and will need to be unlocked unless noted in the description that a code is included. Please know what you are ordering and if it needs programming.
* Body panels and trim panels are sold as-is with no returns. If you need a new hood, fender or bumper cover please buy a new one. These are used parts and they will almost always show wear including nicks, scratches minor dents or scuffs. We don't and can not guarantee any paint, plastic part or trim panel to match or the condition of any body panel. Plan on refinishing or painting any body panel that you receive that is used. No guarantee on any finish!
* We guarantee our parts to work if they are not sold AS-IS. We don't necessarily guarantee that they will fix your problem because of an incorrect diagnosis. Please pay attention to the specific return policy for the part you are ordering. Returned parts will carry a restock fee if applicable. Our terms and conditions are clearly listed here for your convenience.