Toyota OEM Keyless Entry Remote Fob


Circuit Board#: 271451-0140

3 Buttons: Lock ~ Unlock  ~ Panic 


Before you Buy - Please Read this:

This is a Pre-Owned Smart Key / Keyless Entry Remote & it has been programmed to work with a specific vehicle, which means it is locked & needs to be unlocked or "remanufactured." Unfortunately, you can't count on Dealerships to remanufacture a remote for you, as most do not offer this service & will just tell you that it can't be reprogrammed. Unless you already know someone who remanufactures Smart Keys - The easiest & least expensive alternative is to use one of the online places that remanufactures smart keys & remotes - and one such place is "" - They get the job done, they have a quick turnaround time & they are reasonably priced.

So, before you make a decision, I just want you to know that having a preowned smart key or remote remanufactured will cost just a fraction of what it would cost to buy a brand new one from a dealership; but unless you know someone locally who offers this service, i.e -Locksmith, etc. - you're probably better off sending it out to one of the online places to get the job done.