We are NOT a drop-shipper who has never seen the parts! We personally pick up every part at the Ariete factory in Varese, Italy, and stock everything here in our California warehouse! Buy with confidence from the most experienced seller www.ArieteGoggles.com
ARIETE MX Goggles Riding Crows 2015 red/yellow colors CLEARANCE PRICE because the color has been discontinued for 2016. Was $79.95 last year!
Made in Italy by Ariete using top quality rubber exactly matched to the technical requirements of the application. These parts are really expensive, but made to last. Don't use Chinese junk on your classic bike!
Gladly shipped around the world to foreign countries for actual cost, which depends upon the weight and country.
We will combine shipping on multiple items so long as they fit in the same box. Thank you for looking and please check back to see our latest high quality motorcycle products.
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