Windshield Protectant

Awarded Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine's

"Top 20 New Products"


YES! - Stops pitting from sand blasting

YES! - Reduces rock chips and cracks from road debris

YES! - Highly water repellent. Better visibility in all driving conditions.

YES! - Saves money on glass damage repair costs and provides safer driving experience!

YES! - Helps maintain vehicle value by protecting the most fragile surface. Keeps your vehicle looking new!

The perfect way to protect your investment!

The Newest Technology - protects your windshield for one full year!

A common sense, low cost approach to protect your fleet or private passenger vehicle!


Why are we spending so much on glass repair and replacement?

It’s quite logical really. Under a microscope, your windshield has a rough and pitted surface, much like a sheet of sandpaper. As road debris and sand hits your windshield, it “grabs” the rough surface and exerts pressure on a concentrated area, causing the glass to crack, chip or pit out, necessitating a costly repair.

So just how much is glass repair and replacement costing you each year? And how much does a scarred and pitted windshield cost in vehicle value?


How does Bulletproof Windshield Protectant help you cut glass costs?

Bulletproof Windshield Protectant fills in those glass imperfections on a "nano" or molecular level, changing the surface properties of the glass, creating a clean and microscopically smooth glass surface.

The treated windshield is no longer rough and pitted. This allows the debris to deflect off the glass naturally, with little to no pressure applied to the glass surface. And the results are little to no damage to glass. It is also highly water repellent, providing a safer driving experience in all wet weather conditions.

"Bulletproof Windshield Protectant is a low cost option that allows the glass to deflect road debris naturally, saving you or your company money, and reducing vehicle downtime"

It's not a magic bullet or expensive plastic film. It’s all about common sense technology

Bulletproof Windshield Protectant is a micro-polymer, water resistant coating that forms a covalent bond to the windshield glass. A covalent bond is a form of chemical bonding that is characterized by the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms, or between atoms and other covalent bonds. In short, attraction-to-repulsion stability that forms between atoms when they share electrons is known as covalent bonding.

Our unique formula "bonds" into the glass, filling in the gaps and crevices on a molecular level, creating an invisible, impact resistant protective barrier and covalently bonded hydrophobic coating.

Stage One: Micro Level Cleanser removes impurities imbedded deep in the glass surface.

Stage Two: Surface Prep removes residue left from the deep cleanser and supercleans the glass surface for the application of the protectant.

Stage Three: BulletProof Windshield Protectant is then applied to the glass surface.

Stage Four: Washer Reservoir Booster helps keep your windshield cleaner, helping to maintain the  water repellency on a day to day , week to week basis.

The whole application process takes less than 15 mins.  With each application, you are “curing” your windshield to improve its protective properties.  Each kit protects your windshield for up to one year.  Bulletproof Windshield Protectant is superior protection for your vehicle glass.


Road debris is hitting your windshield at over 70 MPH.

Isn't it time you protected the most fragile part of your vehicle?

And yes, it's the windshield!

We ship World-Wide!