This is an engine that was taken from the car in the photos. It was a very nice running and driving car that was rear ended. I have a video of it starting and running with good oil pressure before we took it out of the car that I can send to any prospective buyer. Includes the starter, generator (video shows it charging), both manifolds, and a fuel pump that looks like a 1940 pump. Everything in the photos is included...this is not just the long block. Many accessories are included. Free local pickup only. I can not ship this.
I know it is the same 248 Straight 8 that Buick used for several years, and the serial # indicates it was probably the original engine in the 1939 Buick Special it came from. I'm not guaranteeing anything, but I see absolutely no reason this engine would need to be torn down to work wonderfully. It does have some minor fluid leaks. |