Ferrari Owners Club 2001 40th Anniversary Edition Hardback Membership Directory

The directory includes wonderful pictures of FOC member and their Ferraris.  What a beautiful trip down memory lane with vintage Ferraris and period pictures of the owners and their Ferraris.  This is Americana Automobilia at its finest!   If you love American Ferrari history, then this directory is a must for and Ferrari Literature Collectors!

Thinning out a large collection of Ferrari literature.   Books, magazines, programs, posters, catalogues, club memorabilia, etc.  Questions and request welcome.  I am also green308gtsi on Ferrarichat, PM me.

Shipping in the United States will be done by USPS Priority Mail in a medium flat rate box due to its size for $13.45 with email tracking delivery confirmation & Insurance included.

International Shipping will be done by USPS First Class  Mail for $22.50 to most countries, Please check for your country’s rates first!  International Buyers, please wait for an invoice before you pay.

I will combine shipping for multiple items bought within 7 days.  All shipping & insurance costs will be actual USPS cost.

Thanks for looking and please see my other listings!  New listings will be posted regularly.