Sprint/Suzuki MX17 MINI CD ATSG Manual Repair Rebuild Transmission Transaxle
FINDING GOOD SERVICE INFORMATION CAN BE THE TOUGHEST PART OF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIR! The well illustrated, easy to read manuals from Automatic Transmission Service Group (ATSG) are both comprehensive and inexpensive! You are looking at a new ATSG technical service rebuild transmission manual in MINI CD form. The Sprint Suzuki 3 Speed automatic transaxle is electrically controled, fully automatic transmission, it utilized a regular non lock-up hydrulic torque converter, two planetary gear set, two multidisk clutch packs in drums, one multidisk clutch in the case and a one way clutch assembly. We have imcluded the latest information on the Geo Metro full electric control for this transmission on the final pages of this manual This manual is a must have for your overhaul and it is very easy to read and understand. The typical REBUILD manual is 80 to 120 pages and in addition to detailed tear down and assembly instructions. It will include valuable information such as road test procedures, diagnostic information, oil pressure and range reference charts, wiring and hydraulic diagrams, check ball and thrust washer locations, torque and end play specifications, electronic controls and operations, special tools and updates. If you don't see the repair manual you need on the following list, Contact us. New books are being added all the time. We have or can get tech manuals for almost any automatic transmission.
