This listing complies with all eBay rules and regulations. The item is either in the public domain, we own resale rights to it, or we are the publishers and sole copyright holders.
No trademarks, copyrights, or eBay rules have been violated in this listing. This product fully conforms to eBay compilation and international media policy.

This CD contains Manuals - for the Continental Aircraft Engines C75, C85, C90 & O-200 Series

The Following Manuals are on the CD:


Continental C75 C85 C90 O-200 Engine Overhaul Manuals

Continental A & C & O-200 Engines Operator's Manual

Continental Aircraft Engines C75 C85 C90 O-200 IPCs

Continental O-200 Owner's Information Guide

Engine Trouble Shooting Guide

Tips On Engine Care

Continental Service Bulletins


Used in Cessna Aircraft and others like the Cessna 150

These are the FACTORY MANUALS on CD

All on Easy to read PDF files

Fully Bookmarked & Searchable for Easy Navigation

Non current and sold for informational purposes only


I have Parts, Overhaul and Operators' Manuals and Catalogs for just about every Lycoming and Continental Engine, Old or New

So if you need any - please feel free to ask for them

Email with any questions



I ship promptly via 1st Class Mail - so you get it Fast!


This listing complies with all eBay rules and regulations. The item is either in the public domain, we own resale rights to it, or we are the publishers and sole copyright holders.
No trademarks, copyrights, or eBay rules have been violated in this listing. This product fully conforms to eBay compilation and international media policy.