We providefree shippingto most areas of The United States with standard shipping service.
Handling Time: 1-2 business days. After your payment is cleared, your bid will be shipped out from US within 1-2 business days. You can check the tracking number on eBay once we ship out the product(s)
Delivery time: 3-7 Working days. The item will be shipped from the United States.
Buyers are responsible for keeping shipping address conformable on PayPal and eBay account. If the shipping address doesn't conform to the registered address on PayPal, your order may be canceled and full refund will be issued. Please leave yourtelephone numberin the payment memo for our contact.
1.We only accept payment through PayPal
2.Credit card processing is also available on PayPal. Please contact PayPal for details.
Before any order is processed; we require the vehicle make model year and ignition type (Push to start or Regular Key)