Note on Part Numbers: Numbers cited are for the two springs which are the hardest items to find. They are available new but once you pay shipping they're an Arm and a Leg. Everything here will fit any '74 to '92 Johnson or Evinrude 9.9 or 15 hp outboard.
Offered for sale is a collection of good used spare parts for the manual butterfly choke on the aforementioned OMC outboards. The two springs are particularly hard to find; one is the "unloader" or "override" spring 321734that allows the butterfly to partially open when the motor fires up and creates an intake vacuum and the other one is the slightly stiffer return spring 319023 that flips the lever back. When in the past I've had deal with either of those springs being broken on one of these carbs it's been a Royal PITA as there aren't "extra" ones lying around. I took these off to retrofit the carb onto a 1998 model and those use a different choke linkage so I had to MacGyver it. The only things missing from the whole setup are the little butterfly retaining screws and a snap ring which is a generic hardware item and nothing being sold here has been modified in the slightest.Replace those lost or damaged parts at a competitive price with free shipping* courtesy of the Shipping Fairy.
*Yes, we know free shipping is a myth but the idiots who run this site seem to believe it.