Long Shank Open Fluted Aluminum Rotary File


Up for auction this week is a new never used Goodson Open Fluted Long Shank Aluminum Rotary File LAFR-34. I purchased these items for my son he wanted to learn how to become cylinder head porter when he was in his early 20's. When he was going through his I know more than mom and dad know stage. He is now 27 and has a wife and I have a grandson.  I was over his house the other day and we found all the cylinder head porting items I had purchased for him. Since his very successful career is not automotive field we decided to sell the items. Some of these items are discontinued and are no longer sold by Goodson.


Product information:

·     1" Tall x 1/2" Dia. Radius Tree, For Aluminum Long Shank

·       Wider flutes for easy chip flow and fast stock removal

·       On Aluminum or Nonferrous metals

·       Use these open fluted rotary files on aluminum heads.

·       Shank measures 6" long and is 1/4" diameter.