Never Used, in orginal box. Includes 5 pre-installed breakers and 3 spares. Plus pre-printed labels and mounting screws.
Paneltronics DC 8-Position Circuit Breaker Panel With indicators Lights.
Five Pre-installed White-Handle Circuit Breakers and Three Spares.
Pre-Installed: (2-5A, 1-10A, 1-15, and 1-20A). Uninstalled Spares: (1-5A, 2-10A) Plust 20 pre-printed Labels.
This unused original box Paneltronics 8-switch DC panel is in perfect condition. Serial# 9972204-0. (My DC plans fell through and I ended up wiring my off-grid cottage for AC instead)
Prewired for ease of installation, panel mounted tin plated bus bars, recessed interchangeable function labels, Black-front screws for mounting included. modular panel designs, 1/8" Corrosion resistant aluminum construction,
List price from Paneltronics $230