Premium material: Grade 2 Titanium is over 99% pure titanium. Its low density and high strength makes it a top choice for demanding applications in the aerospace and marine industries, allowing us to create an uncompromised design.
Professional look: The NewWays titanium strap is remarkably lightweight,only 0.13 pounds, which means your watch will feel comfortable on your wrist throughout the day. It gives the watch a nice professional and expensive look, perfect for some certain formal events.
Super easy to adjust: With the spring bar design, the link is very easy to remove and install. Fits men and women with 5.5”-8.2” (140-210mm) wrists. If you need extra links, please come to us.
✨Nice clasp design: The custom double button folding clasp locks firmly and folds neatly within the titanium band.
Our prices are updated dynamically based on fluctuations and market value. We sell on eBay as well as other online platforms. We dispatch orders from our warehouse in Manchester and we use third party fulfilment providers in the UK.