King KCS 55/55A Pictorial Navigation System Maintenance/ Overhaul Manual
Table of Contents:
Section I: General Information
Section II: Installation
Section III: Operation 
List of Illustrations
Section IV: Theory of Operation
List of Illustrations
KI 525
Section V: Illustrated Parts List
List of Illustrations
Section VI: Maintenance
KI 525A : Pictorial Navigation Indicator Maintenance/Overhaul
Section IV: Theory of Operation
Section V: Illustrated Parts List
Section VI: Maintenance
KG 102 Directional Gyro Maintenance/Overhaul
Section IV: Theory of Operation
Section V: Illustrated Parts List
Section VI: Maintenance
KG 102A Directional Gyro Maintenance/Overhaul
Section IV: Theory of Operation
Section V: Illustrated Parts List
Section VI: Maintenance
KMT 112 Magnetic Azimuth Transmitter Maintenance/Overhaul
Section IV: Theory of Operation
Section V: Illustrated Parts List
Section VI: Maintenance
KA 51 Slaving Accessory Maintenance/Overhaul
Section IV: Theory of Operation
Section V: Illustrated Parts List
Section VI: Maintenance
KA 51A Slaving Accessory Maintenance/Overhaul
Contents: same
KA 51 Slaving Accessory Maintenance/Overhaul
Contents: same
KA 52 Autopilot Adapter Maintenance/Overhaul
Contents: same
KA 57 Autopilot Adapter Maintenance/Overhaul
Contents: same
KTS 152/153Test Set Maintenance/Overhaul
Contents: same
Appendix A: Semiconductor & Intergrated Circuit Data
Manual is an original.