Bell Army Model UH-1B Helicopter Organizational Maintenance Manual
TM 55-1520-219-20, June 30, 1972
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Lubrication Instructions
Chapter 3: Inspection Requirements
Chapter 4: Airframe & Alighting Gear
Chapter 5: Powerplant & related Systems
Chapter 6: Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems
Chapter 7: Power Train System
Chapter 8: Main & Tail Rotor Groups
Chapter 9: Flight Controls
Chapter 10: Instruments
Chapter 11: Utility Systems
Chapter 12: Electrical Systems
Chapter 13: Wiring Diagrams
Chapter 14: Avionics, Photography, & Armament
Chapter 15: External Stores-Nonarmament
Chapter 16: Storage of Aircraft
Appendix A: References
Appendix B: Maintenance Allocation Chart
Appendix C: Aircraft Inventory Master Guide
Appendix D: Weight & Balance
Appendix E: Illustrated Field Manufacture Items List
Alphabetical Index
Manual is a copy.