This is for the Ultrasonic cleaning services only! No parts or carbs are included.
We are a professional engine shop that provides world class Ultrasonic Cleaning Services. We have spent nearly a decade perfecting our process. After spending thousands of dollars on off-the-shelf cleaner solutions that only work on certain materials and permanently damage others, we have come up with our own proprietary cleaners that do not harm or discolor any metals or plastics.
Our team uses numerous professional industrial level Ultrasonic Cleaning units making sure every last spec of dirt is removed safely from your carburetor.
We will disassemble your carburetor upon arrival at our shop and do a full inspection for any damage or parts that may be needed. After cleaning, we can reassemble the carb or ship it back for you to reassemble.
Please package your carburetor well and insure it for the full replacement value.
The price you pay includes USPS Priority return shipping and insurance to anywhere in the continental United States.
Turnaround time is currently 1-2 business days plus shipping.
Discounts given on batches of 3 or more carburetors. Contact us for information on Ultrasonic Cleaning services for other items such as cylinders, heads, cases, mounts, and hardware.