If you are having trouble with your Lincoln Convertible top operation (for models between 1961 and 1967), I will provide 1 hour of telephone diagnosis and repair advice.
You will also receive a copy of my personally written newsletter
which outlines your vehicles' top system and discusses the common problems and
resolutions to the various glitches
which can stop your top system from functioning or which may cause intermittent
If you do not find the telephone consultation to be helpful, I am happy to refund your entire purchase.
Once you have purchased this service, please call me at the number below Monday through Friday 8am - 5pm. Please be prepared to tell me specifically at which point in the top operation sequence your problem is occurring, and what the exact symptom is. ALSO, be prepared to take notes.
I also rebuild or sell many of the components for your top system. Take a look at my other auctions for these items. I am happy to create an Ebay Buy It Now listing for items that you may need.
Thank you,
John Brewer
Brewer Classic Lincoln
303 562-8368