

Cerma Automatic Ceramic Transmission Treatment

Cerma STM-3® will restore fast smooth shifting, while giving you protection unmatched by any other products sold anywhere! Cerma STM-3 for Automatic Transmissions utilizes our SiC technology to form a micro-ceramic protective coating on all metal parts within your vehicle's transmission or differential. This will not allow the formation of performance degrading sludge and varnish to form. All Cerma products are environmentally safe and do not contain any solvents or PTFE's.


Cerma STM-3 for Automatic Transmission:

• Restores performance and fixes many transmission issues. 

• Stops slippage, hesitation and rough shifting in worn transmissions.

• Eliminates most seal leaks and lowers operating temperatures in hard-working units.

• Ideal for all uses including auto, diesel truck, motor homes and commercial vehicles.

• Excellent for preventative maintenance and extends fluid life by up to four times.

• Extends needed protection to planetary gears


IMPORTANT - CVT and SVT Transmissions: Cerma Warranty / Money Back Guarantee is NOT valid for CVT or SVT Transmissions of any type due to the large number inherent manufacturer issues. Cerma STM-3 Transmission does not fix broken! Speak to your dealer and/or manufacturer for more information.