Important things to check before purchasing
- All products
sold in SEPC store are genuine & OEM products. I guarantee 200% refund if
it is not genuine.
- When the
shipping cost is free, the shipping method will be shipped in a cheap way. The
shipping method can be changed if the buyer requests. If the product selling
price is over $100, we will try our best to ship by USPS, EMS, or UPS for the
safety of the product..
- Please make sure
you know the right part for your vehicle before you place an order. Wrong order
is not refurndable. Your insurance card and registration will list the year,
make, and model of your vehicle.You?ll want to know the submodel (also known as
the trim level) and the engine size, as well.
Or Check the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and determine the year, make, and model.
Item Condition
- You can purchase
more quantity of goods. Please message to us. Actual item quantity is more
- If you have any
questions about product or shipping method, send e-mail and we will help your
business with pleasure.
- If you have any
request about CUSTOMS or shipping method please contact us before purchase.
- Payments are expected in a timely manner. Please contact us in the event that payment cannot be made within 3 days as payment arrangements can be made.
- All items will be
securely packaged and shipped via traceable and insured UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS ,
EMS or select Freight Carriers. All tracking information is forwarded to the
email address associated with your eBay account. We require a recipient or company
name, address and phone number for all shipments. Shipping and handling times
may vary based on the packing requirements, so please allow up to 5 business
days for handling.
- International
orders are subject to DUTIES, TAXES (VAT), or other Import Fees; the buyer is
solely responsible for these fees, documents and transportation if held at a
customs office in the destination country. In the event that you have questions
about international shipping logistics please contact us before purchase.
Return Policy
Please contact us
first before returning.
Return can be
accepted within 30 days after item’s arrival, and it has to be in the original
condition as it was sent out.
Buyer is
responsible for the postage of the returned item, and the original postage cost
is not refundable.
If you would like
to exchange an item, additional postage charge also will incur for dispatching
the item back to you.