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Information you need to know before buying: All Gold Plating is NOT the same!
Virginia Custom Plating, Inc. The Other Guys
1. Warranty Yes NO
2. Returns Accepted Yes NO
3. Parts Shipped w/Factory Pkg Yes NO
4. Price Reflects Heavy Plating Yes ? Who Knows?
Before you buy from one of our competitors, ask the question: Why NO warranty? Why NO returns accepted? Don't make the mistake and purchase an inferior kit. If you're looking for a high quality set of emblems that are going to last, this is where you want to buy. In the gold plating industry, you don't always get what you pay, You will !
We at Virginia Custom Plating, Inc. stand behind our work. We do ALL of our plating in house maintaining strict quality controls. Our gold solutions and chemicals are the finest available which translates into a consistent "show quality' product. We HEAVY plate ALL of our emblems, may cost a little more, but pays off in the long run. You simply cannot buy a better gold emblem than the ones we produce. All of our emblems ship in the factory packaging with part numbers.