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Not all engines are created equal, that is why we offer the fully adjustable power module.   This chip sends optimized data for fuel efficiency AND power without defeating the safety parameters of your vehicles factory ECU.  The fine tuning knob helps get the most from your particular setup!  This module will NOT void your warranty like some of the other modules out there.

     Plug this module in and enjoy a huge boost in your vehicles performance and efficiency.  Gains of up to 70 Horsepower and up to 10 mpg increase in fuel efficiency have been seen with this technology.  

     Remember a more efficient engine IS ALSO more powerful.  This module modifies signals sent to your ecu that enhance ignition timing and fuel flow for greater power AND better fuel efficiency at the same time.  Its like having your cake and eating it too.  This information is little know outside of the hardcore tuners circles.

    This Chip helps get rid of the wasted fuel throughout the entire fuel/ignition curve.  Have you ever hit the throttle in your vehicle and smelled the distinct smell of unburned gas?  Not only are you wasting gas, but you are also loosing power.  That unburned gas throws off the AFR (Air to Fuel Ratio) which greatly reduces power and also reduces the life of your engine.  Get that power and efficiency back with the Bullet Power Chip!
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