
For 2008 - 2010 For dodge Grand Caravan ( For Models Without Sport Suspension )

For 2008 - 2010 For chrysler Town & Country



Placement on Vehicle: Front Left / Right

Interchange Part Number: 171128L, 171128R





2x Front Complete Struts





We will only ship to EBay confirmed shipping addresses.
It is buyer responsibility to provide correct shipping address before purchasing.
Buyer is responsible for any reshipping cost due to wrong or undeliverable addresses.入Payment

Items are shipped within 1-2 business days.
Damaged item due to shipping must reported to us within 48 hours of delivery in order to place claim with shipping company.


1:contact seller first by email

2: send images : including outer package & scan label & item itself & with complete accessories etc
necessary condition:
one : Items have not been used.
two : outer package without any damage.

3: For returns, please contact customer service for a return shipping label.

4: item delivered -payment repay

1Returns or exchanges will be subject to a 15% restocking fee on the original purchase.

2. Returns or exchanges due to shipping issues will be borne by the seller

In the following cases, the shipping cost will be undertake by buyers
1: order accidently
2: find better price
3: change mind

accessory missing/ quality issue/ shipping damage.etc
please contact us for good solution first instead of opening return dispute. Our professional customer service team can give you a satisfactory solution!

If you have any problem, please feel free to contact us from Monday to Friday.
If you  want to customize at bulk order, please contact us to find cheaper price.