Location |
Rate |
Domestic |
Free |
$10 |
Canada |
$10 |
International |
$55 |
If your order includes several items, they may ship separately and at different times. So that we can deliver your purchases to you as efficiently as possible, items which ship from the same location are grouped together. Our shipping confirmation emails will let you know how much of your order has shipped.
Order Status
You can check the status of your order anytime in "My eBay". We will also keep you updated on your order status via email.
To check the status of your order anytime:
- Click My eBay and sign in using your Username and password.
- Locate the order via Item Number under "recent purchases." This will bring you to Order Details, click on the tracking number to the right of any item to get up-to-date information from UPS or USPS.
Delivering Your Package
We process, ship, and deliver packages Monday through Friday. At this time, we do not offer shipping or delivery on Sunday, or holidays.
- Most items are available to ship in 1-2 business days unless otherwise noted.