This fender is from a 1981 Yamaha YZ80.  Check out the pictures

Shipping--- I will charge a flat coast of $15 for Continental US residence.  Residence in Alaska or Hawaii should email me for shipping quotes.  International bidders must email me first for a shipping quote and they must be willing to cover all shipping costs.  All of my items will be shipped from Virginia - zip 23111.  I strive to ship within one or two days, but this might be different when sales fall over the weekend or near a holiday.

Please understand that most of the parts I list on ebay come from motorcycles that are usually more than 20 years old.  Leather, rubber, chrome, gaskets, seals, bearings, and other similar pieces might need replacing.  I try my best to describe the part to the best of my ability.  All items are sold as is.  If you have questions please email me before you bid.  This item may fit other years and models, but you will need to check with your dealer or mechanic to find out which ones.  Thanks for looking at this auction.





Buyer has 14 days to contact me if there is a problem.  Money will be refunded once item is returned if mechanical issue is found.  Return will not be accepted for buyer purchasing wrong part.  Buyer must pay shipping to return.