MerCruiser Thunderbolt IV Electronic Ignition Module 7M10A V8-22

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For sale is a used MerCruiser Thunderbolt IV Electronic ignition module 7M10A V8-22. This part is in good working condition.




Buy with Confidence! Check our feedback!

All parts listed are used. It is always recommended to replace service items on all used parts, Including but not limited to - seals, gaskets, o-rings, impellers, & flappers on exhaust pipes. These parts & accessories wear over time and should be replaced on a regularly scheduled basis.


You will receive the item you see in the pictures unless otherwise stated. Our pictures are a large part of our description. Study the information provided to make sure that this part is compatible with your application.

We only ship to the lower 48 states and ship same or next day after cleared payment is received, you will be provided with a tracking number the day of shipment. payment is required within 3 days of purchase.


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All Items listed are available for local pickup. Our inventory is not limited to what is listed on eBay, Also available for sale are many Pre-Alpha - Alpha One Outdrives for 4 Cylinder, V6, & V8 Engines.

We have many different accessories & components for boats & boating available for sale Including Types I, II & V Life Jackets, Type IV - Throwables. Fender bumpers, anchors 5-20lbs, rope, AB Fire Extinguishers, gauges(singles & complete sets). all mountable hull accessories such as cleats, transom tie down rings, ski tow rings, navigation lights, hand rails, rear view safety mirrors, cup holders, swim platforms(teak or plastic), gas tanks & more.

All Items & Parts available are used but have been cleaned and inspected to the best of our ability. I am not a certified mechanic and can not guarantee the functionality or compatibility of any part.