Refurbished (Latest Model) Phoenix V12 Brake & Clutch Reverse Bleeder Full WNTY2

As Seen On Stacey David's Gearz TV and Two Guys Garage

"End  those “white knuckle” panic stops in a few short minutes"

Stop 20 feet shorter with Phoenix Systems’  “Reverse” Brake Bleeder

NOTICE: This is the new Phoenix Systems V12 Reverse Bleeder with multiple enhancements, orange case and new accessories. 
All Ebay Auctions are for tools with cosmetic defects or are remanufactured units. 
VERY limited quantities available
For Perfect Tools see  Click here 

Watch the Stacey David Gearz video at the bottom of the page to see the Phoenix Reverse Bleeders in Action

Air  in your brake lines not only takes away the ability to stop quickly, it can increase your stopping distance by up to 20 feet.   That’s pretty serious when a child runs out in front of you or somebody slams on their brakes!   The Phoenix V12 brake bleeder is the ONLY way to ensure near ZERO air in your brake system.  This tool uses patented reverse bleeding technology, and harnesses the principle that air wants to go up (and out) thru the master cylinder, instead of down through the calipers.  This simple technique guarantees the easiest,  and fastest form of air removal. 

Another thing that makes the Phoenix V12 the ultimate brake bleeding tool is it can also perform any combination of reverse bleeding, pressure bleeding, or vacuum bleeding for the best possible bleed.  That means you can handle any hydraulic bleeding project, since usually a combination of bleeding techniques provides the best results. It’s also perfect for bench bleeding and making short work of  those “impossible to bleed” hydraulic clutches. 

"The Phoenix V12 brake bleeder will put an end to those “white knuckle” panic stops, and in a few short minutes, you’ll have the best, firmest pedal that you can get and it’s something one guy can do.  The V12 will make your life a whole lot easier, and that is what a good tool is supposed to do." Stacey David, Stacey David's Gearz TV

Phoenix Systems Reverse Brake Bleeders 1 man + 10 minutes = 1 rock hard pedal

 With Phoenix, one man can bleed the brakes on any vehicle in 10 minutes or less – even if it’s a tough ABS job (you won't  won’t need a scan tool or special clips). Even if it’s Ford Ranger clutch (know what we mean?)

The World s Simplest,

Fastest and Most
Efficient Way To Bleed
Clutch and Brake
Systems...Even ABS !

One person. One Tool. Ten minutes. Phoenix Systems patented technology eliminates difficult bleeding. Never again spend hours attempting to get a firm clutch or brake pedal!  It doesn t require electricity or compressed air, allowing even the weekend mechanic to bleed like the pros. Even the toughest of brakes and clutches, such as those found on Ford Rangers, Jeeps, or GM trucks, can be effortlessly bled in minutes with the Phoenix Bleeder.

LIST PRICE $169- You Save $$$ at the Buy It Now Price

These are professional tools, approved by General Motors, US Military and much more... The V12-205 Phoenix brake bleeder  is the best brake and clutch bleeder offered by Phoenix Systems.

What You Are Bidding On
  1. New Model V12-205 Phoenix Reverse Bleeder- Refurbished w/1 year warranty
  2. Brake bleeder adapter kit
  3. Bench Bleed Kit  $18 value
  4. Custom molded case
  5. Quick-couple connections
  6. Users manual
  7. Universal bottle adapter
  8. Bottle with magnet holder and reversible couplers
  9. Capture assembly
  10. Buy It Now will receive training video or DVD $29.99 value
Please Do Not Confuse the Phoenix  line of brake bleeders with the "mity" type vacuum only brake bleeders. If you buy one of those you mity not get all the air out.

Secret Behind the Phoenix Reverse Brake Bleeder          

Which way do the bubbles go in your soda?
That's the secret behind Reverse Bleeding. Inject the brake fluid at the low point, the bleeder valve and push the air UP and out the master cylinder reservoir. Reverse Bleeding is so simple and so unique it's patented. Traditional bleeding methods attempt push the air DOWN and that is why some brake and clutch systems are so difficult to bleed, the air is trapped and won't go down.

TOP 10 Reasons to Buy:
  1. Own the World's Best Brake and Clutch Bleeder
  2. Save $ for minor cosmetic defects
  3. One man operation
  4. Bleed Ford Ranger clutch in 10 minutes
  5. Use all known bleeding techniques
  6. Bench bleed master cylinders
  7. Last for years, all wear parts are rebuilable
  8. Full factory warranty
  9. Works on all vehicles
  10. Doesn't require special adapters, tools or clips that run in the $1000's
Just listen to what our customers have to say:

I just did in five minutes what I couldn t do in five hours!
Kurt Giventer

Not (any) one bleeding method is the best for the many types of hydraulic systems... The Phoenix
Bleeder offers the technician a choice of which method to use.
Bill Williams, WISAT

My 68 Chevelle had a soft pedal... After bleeding it with the Phoenix Bleeder I had to learn how to drive my car again because of the difference in pedal firmness and response.
Ron Gibbar, Arizona Fluid Power

I Love This Tool!
Tony Lux, ABS Brake Hotline Specialist

The Phoenix Reverse Bleeder is suited for multiple uses including Reverse, vacuum bleeding, pressure bleeding, bench bleeding... and more.

NOTE: The Flashlight mount and flashlight is an optional accessory and NOT included

More Information Here...

Phoenix Reverse Bleeders Guarantee Perfect Brake Pedal Response!

The  new Phoenix “reverse” brake bleeders are guaranteed to obliterate trapped air transforming slow, weak and mushy brake pedals into the quickest and safest brake pedal response possible... Yes, removing trapped air means you can stop shorter.

This pro quality tool is engineered to eliminate even the most minute trapped air in any auto hydraulic brake system regardless of brake fluid type. One man can bleed can bleed the brakes on any vehicle in 10 minutes or less – even tough ABS. It features patented Phoenix “reverse bleed” technology that is used every day by US military technicians, GM dealers and national brake repair chains.

The Phoenix Reverse Bleeders harness the obvious principle that air wants to go up and guarantees easier, faster and better results for  brake bleeding, master cylinder bench bleeding, even bleeding hydraulic clutch systems. 

“Reverse” Brake Bleeder Obliterates Trapped Air . . . Gets Fast Pedal Response Every Time . . . Makes Even “Impossible” Brake Jobs Easy 

 Why do some do-it-yourselfers get rock-hard, ultra responsive brakes every time (even on “impossible” hydraulics like you’ll find on race cars) while everybody else has to settle for a mushy, weak pedal?

 Three words for you . . . “compressible trapped air.”

 Pros have known for years that trapped air kills the response of even high end brake system . . . and leave your  brake or clutch assembly mushy, weak and dangerous.

 So how do the pros obliterate trapped air, make sure every brake system performs to its top potential and get a rock-hard pedal every time? By using the best tools for the job.

The Secret Weapon Used By Pros

 For years now the “reverse” brake bleeders from Phoenix Brake Systems have been the “Secret Weapon” behind the rock-hard pedal response of everybody from General Motors, to national chain brake shops, to the US Military . . . (In fact the Army recently decided to rely on Phoenix’s top level bleeder as standard equipment for service on vehicles in the USA as well as Afghanistan and Iraq. )

 Why? Because Phoenix’s Brake Tools Help You Obliterate Trapped Air Fast And Get Maximum Response Out Of Your Brake System . . . Guaranteed!

Is Trapped Air Killing The Response Of Your Brake Pedal Or Clutch System? With Phoenix System’s  “Reverse” Brake Bleeder You Can Obliterate Trapped Air In Minutes And Stop Faster

  “After using Phoenix System’s Reverse Brake Bleeder I had to learn how to drive my 66 Chevelle all over again because of the difference in pedal response and firmness.” - Ron Gibbar Arizona Fluid Power

Performs All Known Bleeding Methods and Works with All Brake Fluids

The easy-to-use Phoenix Reverse Bleeders are designed to work with all types of brake fluids, including D.O.T. 3,4, 5 and synthetic blends . . . provides up to 125 PSI with comfortable hand force and lets you perform Reverse, vacuum/pressure bleeding and master cylinder bench bleeding faster, easier and with better results than any other bleeder on the market.

 What Makes The Phoenix Reverse Bleeders So Powerful, So Acclaimed  And So Effective?

 Phoenix's patented design allows you to easily “Bleed” air out of your brake or clutch system. Why is that important? Because as pros have know for years and years, compressible trapped air kills brake pedal and clutch response . . . rendering even high end brake system weak and mushy and turning “average” brakes downright dangerous.

 By “bleeding” air out of your brake system, the Phoenix Bleeders give you the fastest possible pedal response every time . . . meaning better performance for your vehicles and safety for you, your family and your friends.

Military Proven

Need more proof that Phoenix Brake Tools are the “Real Deal?” We don’t like to brag, but we think the fact that the US Military recently decided to include our top-end brake bleeder (the MaxPro) in its standard SATS kit speaks VOLUMES.

 P.P.S. Why do Phoenix Bleeeders give you a “Military Grade” bleed? Because in 2008 the US Military decided to include our Max Pro Brake Bleeder as standard equipment in their SATS kit . . . the standard vehicle service and repair kit military mechanics use in the field each and every day.

 You’re Just One Step Away From Obliterating Trapped Air . . . Buy Now!

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