Auction Information |
Auction Sales Policy: | Your bid is a contract - Place a bid only if you're serious about buying the item. If you are the winning bidder, you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase the item. If the seller is unable to establish contact with the winning bidder within 3 days of the end of the auction or if payment is not received within 5 days, item may be offered to the next highest bidder or relisted at the seller's sole discretion. |
Shipping Details: | Shipment will be either USPS, UPS, FedEx. Some larger items will ship via UPS Ground service. Orders are generally shipped on the day after payment is received. |
Payment Details: |
Returns: | In the unlikely event that a return is requested, all returns must include all original items undamaged, in re-saleable condition, all original packaging including manuals, warranty forms, etc. Shipping and handling fees are not refundable. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs incurred shipping products back. |
Contact: |
Privacy Policy: | Rest assured your information will not be given, sold, rented or loaned to any third party. |
Feedback: | If for whatever reason you were not completely satisfied, please contact me and give me a chance to earn your 5 Star Positive Feedback before leaving me any negative feedback. I will never knowingly try to mislead you in any way. I do my best to describe everything I sell but I'm not perfect. People do have differences of opinion. I really do take pride in my feedback and try to keep it as perfect as possible. |