Part Number: 62390
Condition: New
Sold As: Individual
Moroso Valve Seat Pressure tool # 62390
Built-in scale is accurate to within +/- 3%. When used in conjunction with 62370 Stud Mount Valve Spring Compressor, you have the quickest and most accurate method of maintaining the valve train on a fully assembled engine. The Low Profile Design is designed to fit under the windshield and cowl of tube chassis cars. Features: - The most versatile tool for checking valve seat pressure on an assembled engine
- Allows for quick change of claws to fit various brands of rocker arms used in racing
- Built-in reading scale
- Manufactured from billet aluminum with a body pocket to fit taller adjuster nuts used on stud girdles
- Use with Moroso Stud Mount Valve Spring Compressor 62370 for the most accurate method of maintaining the valvetrain on a fully assembled engine