This is for a very very gently Used " HJC " 3/4 Helmet With Tinted Shield And Visor

Helmet size XXXL.

This is an extremely nice helmet! It come's with a snap on/off visor. On the forehead you will see the

letters HJC. There are front channeled slide air vents to keep your head cool. Tinted Visor protects your

eyes from the overhead sun.

CONDITION: This is for a very very gently used helmet. No holes. No cracks. There is one very

minor scuff mark on the helmet that is pointed out in photos.

Please take the time to look at the other great items in my store.

Thanks for shopping from my Ebay Store. My goal is to reuse, repurpose, and sell new good quality

merchandise, at a good price. If you buy something, PLEASE give me a chance, to work things out

with you, before you leave neutral or negative feedback, I want to have happy customers. Thanks.

Look at pictures! please.

Any spots are from camera flash only! 

All items sold "as is". Sorry no returns!!  

If you have any questions please ask before bidding.

I ONLY ship with in the USA. Shipping will be FREE inside the USA. Anything that requires shipping

outside the USA, needs to go through the global shipping program! I prefer Pay Pal only,  payment

is due within 4 days of auction close.

I will combine shipping if you let me know before the bidding closes on the first item.

Please ask any questions! 

Thank you!!