This is a brand new copy of my complete 5 part series learned from living aboard a voyaging sail boat. How to save money, time and hassles living aboard a boat, learned from more than 20 years and thousands of miles of living aboard. Managing fresh water supplies, collecting rain, living on DC power, cooking, food storage, heads, dinghies, mildew and insect control. BOATS. About sails, engines, surveys, documentation, the comfort factor. FOOD. How much and what kinds of food to carry aboard a boat. About canned foods, grains, dairy, fresh fruits, vegatables, meats, living with little or no refrigeration. VOYAGING. Considering charts and guides, navigation tools, radio broadcasts, planning, money, the ship's medicine chest. DOING IT FOR LESS. Money, time and hassle saving ideas for maintaining a voyaging boat. Engine, electrical, rigging, spare parts, painting, cleaning. Much more. 140 pages printed on 6" x 9" recycled paper.
Read the following segments Catching Rain
The Comfort Factor
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