Other specifications :
Number of wires : 8
Number of plugs : 2
Number of pins : 9
Wire to wire resistance :
Alternator : Yellow to Yellow/Red = 0.4ohms +/-20%
Source : Green to White = 450 ohms +/-20%
Source 2 : Black/Red to Green = 45ohms +/-20%
Before installing your new stator
Check the AC output of the stator.
Replace any burned or corroded connectors on stator and regulator/rectifier
Check and repair any melted wiring.
Use hi-temp dielectric grease on all connectors
Our stator may use a different wire color code than your original.
All of the wires are installed in the correct order; please do not change any of the wiring configurations.
This stator is designed as a direct plug-in replacement and should be used as such.
When bolting stator in, always use locking compound.
If our stator includes a pickup coil, always make sure the air gap is correct upon installation; we suggest as close as possible no less than 0.010".