ADDITIONAL RFID information:
During my last year of High School I substituted an advanced chemistry course for lunch. I would purchase a container of milk prior to going to chem class for lunch.
This was a good decision because while attending College I received an "A" in Chem 101. This was the Pre-Med course. As I recall there were 7 students who received an "A" in the course. The enrollment in Chem 101 was approximately 2,200 students.
Approximately 1/2 the Chem 101 students did not take Chem 102 course due to the harshness of the course and the high failure rate and / or a low grade.
While preparing an experiment in the advanced High School Chemistry class with glass tubing and an Erlenmeyer flask, the glass tubing broke and cut one of my fingers. The cut was very clean, no ragged edges, so I washed the wound and put a band-aid on the cut.
Years later, the area was swollen occasionally and I suspected there were some pieces of glass embedded in the wound area. A follow-up x-ray showed glass pieces in the swollen area. I arranged minor surgery and the glass was removed. Well, not exactly.
On or about 1988 while employed as a NYPD Sgt., my work assignment changed from plainclothes and unmarked cars (Anti-Crime) to a unit with a lot of physical activity.
Some remaining glass particles started to migrate until a nerve was impacted and started to produce scar tissue for protection. A point was reached where surgery was once again required.
I scheduled surgery at Stony Brook University Hospital located in Stony Brook, NY.
A series of x-rays confirmed there were additional pieces of glass causing the build up of scar tissue to protect a major nerve.
On the day of the surgery in 1989 as an IV chemical was being administered, the person controlling the IV asked me my occupation.
As I drifted into unconsciousness I stated "NYPD Sgt." The same person then asked me. "Did you ever give anyone a beating" I stated "No, our Constitutional Rights are very precious" "Considering how easily our rights can be taken away, my experience in law enforcement has made me less conservative and more liberal." And then I was fully under whatever chemical was administered.
During the surgery, I recall a flash going off and someone stating "get a picture from this angle."
A few days after the surgery I was showering and noticed a small "scratch" between my ribs. I assumed this occurred during surgery when I may have been moved to a recovery area.
The "scratch" would not properly heal and during the next 4 weeks became irritated. The irritation continued until the "scratch" open up to reveal a surgical cut.
I palpated the area and there was a small foreign object. After an hour of effort, the surgical incision fully opened up and out popped a small off-white colored object.
The item is best described as a perfectly round compressed sphere a few (3-5) millimeters in diameter, bone colored with some speckled darker colors of brown, tan and green.
I didn't think much at the time.
In retrospect, the Physician / Surgeon deliberately, knowingly, and with advanced planning, FELONY ASSAULTED me, a patient in a NEW YORK STATE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL by carving a 1/3" inch deep by 1/3" wide incision in my chest wall without authorization.
NO sutures (stitches) on the chest wound inflicted by the Physician / Surgeon.
NO wound dressing / bandage.
NO antibiotics to prevent an infection.
NO patient instructions on preventing infection from a wound carved into a patient's chest wall
NO patient permission to perform this type of MEDICAL MALPRACTICE.
Malice Aforethought and the FELONY Assault by New York State University Hospital.
The FEDERAL and New York State CRIME SYNDICATE..........
In retrospect this fits in with statements by my 112 Pct. Anti-Crime police officers. The four (4) officers Louis Telano (his father was the President of FOP), Steve Jaworowski, Raymond Moore, and John Zalniterias used to sing the Elton John song - "Like a candle in the wind, you won't know where to run when the rain [religious REIGN] begins" - "Just kill yourself" as they laughed / giggled.
Additional statements were, "Hook-Em, Bar-OK-to-EM (Hebrew word), put-EM in the oven and cook-EM, Your whole family is dead, you're dead, just kill yourself". This ties into Edward Bram's statement "Preval! There is no jurisdiction in outer space - outside the law" and LOL when an EM weapons system and nanotechnology was being used on me in 2005. And in retaliation as FULLY DOCUMENTED, the Hand of GOD punished the Nation with Katrina.
After being "chipped at SUNY Stony Brook in 1989, the REIGN (RAIN) began. An EM weapon was used on me while employed as a NYPD Sgt. This is what Federal and State Politicians actually think of non-Federal / non-State law enforcement personnel. You are supposed to make crucial split second decisions while an EM weapon system is being used as a FELONY ASSAULT WEAPON.
Per my Federal Court lawsuit in the Eastern District of New York and the Middle District of Florida, my father, a WWII Sgt. was torture murdered in 1999 at the age of 83 via nanotechnology and an EM satellite or aircraft based weapons system.
Hillary's husband Bill Clinton, former draft dodger and U.S. President, is an unprosecuted Class A FELON.
The CLINTON CRIME FAMILY is fully protected by The FEDERAL CRIME SYNDICATE of which FBI Director James A. Comey is a card-carrying member. Jimmy is now a "made" Federal Crime Syndicate official CULT member.
James "El Capo" Comey, the Federale Organized Crime Gangsta'
Next on the playbill is the "Punch & Judy" show / smoke and mirrors Congressional "interrogation" of why Hillary was allowed to violate National Security laws for YEARS....