Zip-Chem X-405 Glass and Transparency Cleaner - EFIS Towelette Kit (Pack of 5)

Pack of 2 Towelettes

Zip-Chem X-405 is a water based neutral pH cleaner specifi cally designed for use on aircraft windows, plastic transparencies and EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument Systems. Available in Ready-for-Use packaging and is very effective in wipe-on wipe-off applications. X-405 contains a select group of surfactants designed to solubilize and lift a wide variety of contaminants without the use of abrasives or harsh solvents.


Collins Instrument approval for EFIS

Water based neutral pH

No Solvents

Non-Toxic Biodegradable


Conforms to AMS 1534 and AMS 1535

Safe on Aluminum, Magnesium and all structural metal

Safe on all quality paints, primers and acrylic plastics